SUMMER MUSIC CAMP IN THE MONTEVECCHIA AND CURONE VALLEY PARK aperitifs...seminars...workshops...escursions...concerts...
for adults - children - professionals - amateurs
from all over the World
Viganò (LC)
18 - 28 August 2019
The Cultural Association, AGORARTE is once again organizing the Music in the Park, hosted by Viganò City Council with the intention of offering students, professional musicians, and enthusiasts, 10 days of full musical conversation, alternating between lessons, conferences, labs, musical aperitifs, and concerts. Shared convivial moments, along the paths and in hidden corners of the Montevecchia and Curone Valley Regional Park, with the idea that Music and Nature are part of the same Beauty.
This year in its fifth edition, Musica nel Parco is promoting itself as a large workshop dedicated to group music in its varying forms: a Chamber Music course (for all Instrument Families) and one of Vocal Chamber Music (open to singers and pianists) with the possibility of lessons for individual improvement, which will interconnect with their other activities and will be integrated with a seminar on the Functional Vocal Method, a shared moment with all the participants and a starting point for the Choral Workshop. An Orchestral Workshop, completed with a theoretical part, dedicated to the study of executional and compositional techniques and of musicological research.
Ludwig van Beethoven will be the central theme this year, with Lieder for voice and instruments, instrumental works for strings, strings and choir, and Symphony No. 4, our ambitious goal for the closing concert.
To the smallest participants and to those of you who recognize yourselves as beginners whatever your age, the Campus is dedicating the first five days, with three proposals: MusicaInsieme -a Music Group for any age of student; CantiamoInsieme - a vocal workshop for children’s voices; Plastiche sonore - a collective and fun workshop with the Boomwhackers; Vedo, sento suono!, musical workshops for families; In principio era il Ritmo! - a workshop dedicated to the world of percussion with a special focus on the drums, and our first foray into a musical language connected to Jazz and other musical worlds.The young Salvatore Passantino will be collaborating in the workshops, as guest composer.
For those who also wish to prepare a solo repertoire and/or to perfect specific technical aspects, Musica nel Parco offers the possibility of individual singing, violin or cello lessons.
The pianists who take part in the Chamber Music and Vocal Chamber Music courses, will also be tutored individually in the preparation of the chosen works.
Just as every year, alongside the lessons, a whole list of activities - FuoriCampus – in which pupils and teachers will alternate between being actors and spectators, opening the Campus doors both to citizens in the local community and to interested passers-by.
The Campus courses are open to students, professionals and amateurs of any age, nationality, religion or gender, with no exception, who can take part as Association Members, either as participating students, or simply as listeners.
Designed as a residential course, the Campus offers participants the opportunity to discover a beautiful yet little known area, just a few minutes from Lake Como, situated between the cities of Milan, Bergamo, and Lecco, and to come into contact with those local realities which keep memories of the past, and traditions alive.
We believe that Culture and Art in particular are both fundamental for the formation of the individual and that they are an exceptional and uniting resource, above all in this period of cultural crisis. For this motive, Agorarte would like to make the Campus available to everybody, and asks whoever has the possibility, to welcome into their homes, the young people who would like to take part but who don’t have the means.
Musica nel parco 2019 is dedicated to the memory of Guglielmo Teruzzi, our great friend, memebrs of Agorarte, and to his passion for music.
(for more information click on the single course/workshop/lab or teacher's name)
for all Instrument Families – from Duets to small orchestral groups
open to singers and pianists
collaborate the pianist Delia Pizzardi
dedicated to all those love singing
for both professional and amateur musicians, able to play the symphonic repertoire from 1750 on.
NB: to verify the musicians and instruments required for the Symphony as per programme, see the
relative page
an itinerary for the development of the voice through singing using the principals of the Functional Voice Method (Lichtenberger® Methode) also dedicated to those amongst you who have never had any formal voice training, or who feel you always sing out of tune but who are curious to explore your own potentiality
held by: Maria Corno
MusicaInsieme - music ensemble for all ages (18 - 22 agosto 2019)
children and teens welcome, from beginner level (1 year of study required) to higher levels, and amateur adults playing any type of instrument – the only requirement is a desire to make music together!
held by: Adriano Ancarani
for teens and young children from age 8 to 13 years: all you need is the desire to sing!
for teens and young children from age 8 to 13 years who would like to make music with the Boomwhackers
Growing Up With Music – for young children aged 1 to 3 years, with the active participation of an adult
Playing With Music– for young children aged 3 to 6 years, accompanied by an adult
for those of you of any age who would like to delve into the world of percussion, with a space for anyone who is particularly fascinated by the drums
individual lessons:
singing - violin - cello - drums
to be directly organized with the specifc teacher
Enrolments should be made by Wednesday 31th July 2019. The Management reserve the right to consider enrolments made after that date.
For enrolment and for Rules & Regulation, for detailed information on participation fees, for the complete list of activites for FuoriCampus, and of the sites for each even: consult the relative sections of the website or click directly here.
Upon payment of the fee, candidates can enrol on either an individual course or workshop, as explained in the Rules & Regulations, or on more than one course and Workshop (see available discounts and concessions on individual pages). Discount available on Courses only and the MusicaInsieme Workshop, for families with more than one enrolment: 10% for the second member of the family to enrol, 20% for the third member of the family to enrol, 35% for any further enrolments within any one family unit. Discounts not available for the Choral or Orchestral Workshops or for the Functional Vocal Method Workshop, except where applicable as stated.
Candidates can take part without exception, in all the Campus activities, as participating students, with one single payment for each individual, of €400,00 (including Agorarte Membership) - €390,00 (including Agorarte Membership) for residents of the Missaglia area and for Members of AIMA, Cambristi, ACPM, WFAO, Kore's students - €380,00 for residents of Viganò area - €370,00 for existing members of Agorarte.
Listeners can follow all the lessons with one single payment for each individual of € 85,00 (including the Association Membership) - €75,00 (including Association Membership) for residents of Missaglia, Members of AIMA, Cambristi, ACPM, WFAO, Kore; free for residents of Viganò area and for existing members of Agorarte. All participating students can follow all the lessons as listeners without any added fee.
Musica nel parco is under patronage of:

The inauguration of the Campus for all courses and all workshops will be held in the Rodari Room in the Library, regardless of starting date. Participants in rthe opening courses should arrive between 9.30 and 10.30 on Sunday the 18th August. The lessons will begin after the enrolment formalities are completed, on the same day.
Lesson times will be directly established with the Course Teacher.
During the week, there will be a guided tour around the Park, with open-air lessons and performances
For Agorarte participants, accommodation and meals are available locally at special rates. If accommodation is needed, complete the enrolment form in the space provided: the Campus Secretary will suggest the best solutions for individual requests. (For those interested, the Association is also in contact with host families.)
Discounts available also for the hire of mountain bikes and motorized bicycles.
The Course are held in the City Council premises: in the Library (p.zza Don Gaffuri), the Association' Hall (via Risorgimento), the primary school (via della Vittoria), the gym (via Leonardo da Vinci) in Viganò.
Directions for Viganò:
click here to find Viganò on Google Maps
- by car: from Agrate (E64, A4) follow Vimercate and continue towards Arcore or Usmate/Carnate
- by train: take the Milano/Lecco line from Milan Central Station or Porta Garibaldi Station in the center of Milan; you will be collected by a member of the Association, in one of the following stations (on the Milano/Lecco line): Carnate, Cernusco, Osnago or Besana (Milano/Lecco- Molteno line).
- by air: the nearest Airports are Milan Linate - Orio al Serio (BG) and Milan Malpensa. Follow then the above specifications to reach the city of Viganò by train or car.
tel. +39 347 2738066 (info enrolment) +39 347 4009219 (info courses)